China8687-005 - Upgrading Tiananmen

“When we first arrived in Beijing in 1986 the reviewing stands were undergoing a big renovation. Bamboo scaffolding contained the stands, and Mao Zedong’s portrait stared solemnly down on the masses walking below. Mao’s image and the wake of his passing were a strong presence in China, recent enough to make people think they might go back to the horrible Cultural Revolution, but far enough back for people to feel hopeful of change. The economy was under renovation, too, as Deng Xiaoping introduced new policies to allow Chinese people and private companies to make money…”

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About the China8687 podcast...

A 15+ year China student, teacher, traveler, and expat businessman describes China as she developed from the 1980s to now. “I went to China when everything was opening and hopeful, and I left when it was clear China was moving in a different direction after 2012.

I went to China earlier, studied China deeper, traveled in China farther and worked in China longer than almost anyone.

I am here to tell you what I saw as China developed from the 1980s to now. This is important to you because China is moving back in many areas now, and fast forward in others.”


China8687 answers the question; “How did China get to where she is now?”

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